COVID-19 Update

Effective Monday, May 11, Summit Eye Center will return to normal business hours to attend to the medical and surgical eye care of our patients.

In addition to our normal disinfection and sterilization practices, several new protocols have been implemented:

• Appointments are limited to patients only, unless the assistance of a visitor is necessary.
• All patients, staff and doctors will have a temperature check. Those showing a reading of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher will be asked to self-quarantine at home.
• Facemasks will be required when in the clinic (disposable/cloth/homemade).
• Social Distancing will be maintained throughout the office.

We will continue to monitor the recommendations of the CDC and Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.

We can all do the following to help:

• If you are feeling sick, please reschedule your appointment for a later date.
• Practice good hygiene.
• Hand-washing is our best defense. The CDC recommends washing your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water.
• For additional information, visit the CDC’s website.