Summit Eye Center Blog

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New Glaucoma Treatment at Summit Eye Center

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Summit Eye Center continues to provide the most current treatment options to our patients with Dr. Skelsey’s first Glaukos iStent inject cases being preformed last week. In doing so, our patients are among the first in the Midwest to receive this exciting new glaucoma treatment.

The iStent inject is the smallest medical device known to be implanted in the human body. It is a heparin coated titanium stent that facilitates the outflow of fluid through the eye’s natural outflow pathway. With this procedure, two stents are placed in the eye in conjunction with traditional cataract surgery.

The goal of this treatment is to better control a patient’s intraocular pressure, IOP. In doing so, it may allow a patient to reduce the number of medications required to treat their glaucoma or prevent the need to add an additional medication.

If you have any additional questions about the iStent inject, glaucoma, or cataract surgery, contact Summit Eye Center at (816) 246-2111 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to schedule an appointment.

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